It's hard right now because I'm still home sick and there are days that I just don't want to be here, but it's getting easier and the more I work and study the better it is. I'm trying to study a lot and read a lot I just finished the Book of Mormon that was exciting. Now I'm reading Our Search for Happiness it's pretty good and I should be done with it by this weekend. I want to read the Book of Mormon once each transfer. I think that is a good goal to have.
I'm glad that Jeff is doing good at work he seems to have a great attitude in his emails. So that's good. That's exciting that you got a new calling. I'm sure you will do great at it.
The teaching is going good the investigators are doing good but Faith the little girl's dad doesn't want her to get baptized because he thinks she doesn't understand what she is doing. He told her that she couldn't drink soda with caffeine in it if she got baptized so she said she doesn't know if she wants to anymore because she wants to drink soda with caffeine Haha. So we had to explain that its not a commandment not to drink caffeine and we went over the word of wisdom again with her so she understood it better. We still don't know when we'll be able to get her baptized. The dad of the other family that moved into the Ward is Paul. He is not a member but wants to become one. He was really enthusiastic and wanted to take the lessons as fast as possible so he could be baptized really soon which was great. Then we found out that they aren't married yet so we had to explain that they need to get married before he can get baptized. He probably won't be baptized for a couple of months, but he still wants to so that is good. We haven't had the chance to meet with the guy from Chicago again yet but hopefully we will soon. His name is Quinton.
I miss you a lot. Give the girls lots of hugs and kisses from me. That is great that Baylee and Abbey came over with presents for the girls. I love that family they sent me a Christmas card in the mail so that was fun. I'm loving the people out here and the opportunity that I have to preach the gospel. It is so amazing and can bless our lives so much. The people out here have a lot of funny opinions on Mormons and "their beliefs" but most of them won't even take the time to hear what we have to say. It's hard but its ok cause it just makes us work that much harder. This is the best first area I could have gotten. I have the best members in the branch. It's a hard area so I have to work my butt off to get new investigators. I probably get to be here for 6 months so that will be awesome.
Much love, Elder Jach.
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