Izach arrives home Friday 22nd of November.
His homecoming address will be December 8th at 11am in the Pioneer Ward, South Weber UT.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
November 18, 2013
I guess I am signing off! My last email so my
last mission post to the blog. Thanks everyone for keeping up on how I'm
doing. Thank you for all the letters and the support. I'm super sorry if I
never wrote you back or havent in a long time. I'm a terrible letter
writer. Just know that the letters meant A LOT to me and helped me more
than you will ever know. I want you all to know that I love and care
about each of you and am so thankful for all of your examples to me. I
know that this Gospel is true, and that if you desire to feel more of
our Father in Heavens love then talk to the missionaries and they will
help you. I know that our Savior wants us all to receive the fullness of
the blessings that he has in store and that there is no other way to
receive them except through this restored Gospel. I know that following
the teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will
make you happier than anything else you will ever find in this entire
world. I know that our Father in Heaven loves you SO much that he has
made it possible for you to return to live with him and our Savior, and
that that way has once again been brought back to the Earth through a
modern day prophet.
Thank you all so much!
Love Elder Jach-Goates
November 11, 2013
Things here never cease to be anything less than
amazing! We had stake conference over the weekend. The adult session on
saturday was great. We had 2 different investigators there and they
both really enjoyed it. It's great to have a meeting so focused on moving
forward the work of salvation. Sunday was great with all the talks
focused on overcoming trials and relying on the Lord. The spirit filled
the room from the opening hymn to the closing prayer, and to top it all
off I was able to see so many of my families from my first area of Manchester. Man it made me miss them and feel like a brand new
missionary again. It was so great to see all of them right before coming
home. This last week has been filled with tender mercies, and I already
know this week will be filled with them as well. There are so many
little things that the Lord blesses us with which sometimes we look over
completely. It's when we take the time to see those little things that
changes our whole perspective and helps us to live a happier more
abundant life. Perspective is everything! Whether you think you can or
whether you think you can't, you're right! It's having the fear or the
doubt and taking the step anyway that changes it all. It's not until
after we take that step into the darkness that we find out that
there is solid ground awaiting us. It's not until we seek the light that
we find pure joy. Look for those moments. Look for those little blessing
and then be thankful.
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Sunday, November 10, 2013
November 4, 2013
It's been pretty crazy this past little while! We
had exchanges on Tuesday, a trunk or treat on Wednesday and the temple
on Thursday. We picked up 3 new investigators who all said they would
come to church this week and who we are teaching again this week as
well. We invited all of them to be baptized and they all excepted. We
found 2 investigators the week before and we have a few potentials for
this week as well. We're setting specific dates in which to be baptized with
some of them this week. It's great to see how the Lord is blessing us for
working hard and doing what we have been asked to do. I'm grateful for
the opportunity I have been blessed with to serve my brothers and
sisters and to help others feel more of the Saviors love!
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Sunday, November 3, 2013
October 28, 2013
It's been another great week! We
found 2 new investigators and have return appointments with 3 more solid
potential investigators this week. We also set baptismal dates
with a few of our current investigators. We had a fast as a
mission a few weeks ago for new investigators and it was so great to
hear about all the miracles people witnessed because of the fast. People
have been popping out of the woodwork. It's been amazing! It's Halloween
this week so gather up some pass-along cards and start taping them to
your candy. You never know who's life you will change just from a simple
card. I love you all and I Love this gospel.
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Monday, October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013
Things are going well. We are
currently trying to get some new investigators but that's a normal thing. We had a new potential come to church yesterday with some of our recent
converts. We have an appointment to teach her tomorrow, so I'm excited for that. We have a couple exchanges this week and interviews on Friday
so I'm looking forward to that too. We got to see a member from my last area at
church yesterday as this is their old ward so that was awesome. This
work is an amazing thing and to have a small part in it means so much! What trust our Father in Heaven has with each of us to trust us with
special tasks and to give us prompting from the spirit. I love this
Love Elder Jach-Goates

October 14, 2013
It was transfers last week and I
stayed in Cedar Rapids for my last one. It's a great area and a great
ward. We have a lot of support from our bishop and ward counsel so
things are moving along nicely. We have 3 sets of elders in the ward
to help with all the member work so its great. We're running a little
low on investigators as we spent a lot of time working with members and
helping them become what Pres Jensen calls FFT (finder,
fellowshipper, and testifier) but the members are starting to get
involved so its working great. Now to focus a little more time on
finding new people to teach. It's weird thinking this is my last
transfer, it doesn't seem real. Makes me reflect a lot on my mission and
things I want to do better before coming home. My departing temple trip
is on halloween so that will be fun to be able to go to the temple
and be with some great friends.
Love Elder Jach-Goates

October 7, 2013
This transfer ends this week. I'm staying in
cedar rapids and with my companion. General conference was amazing! There was so much direction and guidance given with such boldness this
time that no one can be confused on where the church stands. It's pretty
scary to think that the country that was formed on religious freedom is
now pondering taking that freedom away. I'm thankful for the love that
our Father in heaven has for each of us, for the roles that we all have
in this life and the next. I'm grateful for the gift of eternal families
and the nature and purpose for earthly families. What a great time we
have to live in and an amazing opportunity that God has trusted us
enough to be here in this day with all that is happening in the world. I
know that as we hold strong to what we have been taught that we will
not go astray and that Father will give us what we need exactly when we
need it. Never doubt the testimony you have received and never doubt
that God can answer our questions and turn our weaknesses into strength!
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
September 30, 2013
We got to go on
specialized training with the mission president on Wednesday. We were able to go to a members house for a
dinner appointment and go to our recent converts home as well. Alfred the dad was so excited and so honored
to have the mission president in his home.
In his closing prayer he mentioned how honored he was like 3 different
times! It was fun to get to know Pres
Jensen a little better as well. I went
on exchanges with the district leader on Thursday (he is a Spanish missionary)
so we had a bunch of lessons in Spanish so I pretty much just sat there and
smiled the whole time, Ha Ha it was great!
It was really cool to be able to feel the spirit at different times even
though I couldn't even understand what they were saying. It's funny to think that I am an in states
missionary and I've been able to teach lessons to Spanish, Chinese, African,
Burmese, Brazilian, Muslim, and American people. I wanted to go foreign and that's definitely
what Father in Heaven gave me. Just with
a lot more benefits, Ha Ha! Heavenly Father really does give us exactly what we
Love Elder
Monday, September 23, 2013
September 23, 2013
As for the mission
it was as great week! We had 2 baptisms
on Sunday right after church and we had a great turn out of members. There weren't enough chairs in the relief
society room! there were a bunch of youth that showed up to support Freddy who
is 15 and so many people came and gave them both a hug and welcomed them. It was such a great experience! We had ward conference as well and the stake
president gave a talk on the holy ghost.
It was a great talk helping us to remember how great that gift truly
is. Then during the 2nd hour they had a
ward counsel meeting with the stake pres. The bishop invited my comp and I in
for that. It was a great meeting, also
talking about the holy ghost and receiving and following revelation. Our ward is really striving to become member
missionaries. The bishop has taken
action and had a fireside with the ward counsel on missionary work. He had us come and teach them how to role
play and invite people to meet with the missionaries and to come to
church. We taught them how to talk
about the gospel with their friends and helped them understand that as members
you don't need to answer their questions and even if you can you shouldn't
because that is not your calling. You
should always try to include the missionaries in every opportunity to answer
peoples questions about the church.
Always follow the spirit as for what to say and to help them have a
desire to learn. What a blessing to
have direct guidance from our Father in Heaven on everyday matters and most of
all the opportunity to invite others unto Christ.
Love Elder
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
September 17, 2013
It was a pretty
fun week! We had Elder Robert C Gay of
the 70 come through on a mission tour.
It was so great to hear all the advice and direction he had for us. He had volunteers go up on the stage a few
times and he called me up there twice without me volunteering, Ha Ha. I would
make a comment or answer a question and he would call me up and say why don't
you come help these missionaries figure this out, Ha Ha. It was a lot of fun! Then the next day we got to hear from him
again and he talked about how important our mission meetings should be and that everything we talk about
in those meetings should be of the utmost importance. Missionary work is a lot
more member oriented now, they want us working with members and helping them to
succeed in their calling as finders. It
was amazing to see how bold he was when talking about everything. I'm excited to be apart of this big change
that is happening in missionary work. We
have been witnessing a ton of miracles here lately. We have had a few new investigators move in
in different areas that all want to be baptized. We have 2 baptisms scheduled for Sunday and 1
in another area on Saturday. Then
another 3 the next weekend in another area.
We have a lot of potential for October as well. Such great work. There always seems to be so many miracles at
the end of the year. The Lord makes up the
rest after we've given all that we can.
We push ourselves to the end then when we think we have nothing left to
give he gives us just enough determination to take the next step. It's so amazing to witness the Lords hand in
all things and to be a part of His kingdom.
What a blessing we have as members to participate in gathering His lost
Love Elder
Monday, September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013
It's of coarse been
a great week! We have a few
investigators that are progressing toward baptism and they came to church on
Sunday so that was awesome. We should
have two baptisms next Saturday the 21st.
They are all progressing really well.
One of our investigators is very nervous about everything but is still
so willing to learn and meet with us.
She has a great understanding of everything we teach and always has
great questions. She took notes during
church for some questions that she had and says we can go over them this
week. There is a member family that is
fellowshipping her and is doing a fantastic job. I'm super excited to see her progress and to
be able to help her feel the spirits guidance!
This gospel is amazing!
Love Elder
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
September 4, 2013
I am now serving in
Cedar Rapids! This was my first zone
when I came out, sadly Manchester my first area is no longer in this zone. There were too many missionaries so they split
the zone a few months ago. My companions
name is Elder Weiss he's from a small town in Nevada between St George and
Vegas. He's been out for 9 months. He's a way cool kid and a great
missionary. I feel really old in this
zone! Luckily there is an Elder in my
district that is going home in October so I don't feel as bad, but everyone
else besides one other sister has been out less than 9 months. So crazy!!!
It's great serving around so many eager missionaries though. Keeps me working hard! We live in a house with 2 other elders its a
blast! One of them just got done being
trained by my son Elder Bagshaw and is now training a new missionary going to
Brisbane Australia. My companion was
trained by my trainers trainer so in missionary terms I live with my uncle, my
grandson and my great grandson, ha pretty sweet! Love you all!
Love Elder
Monday, August 26, 2013
August 26, 2013
Transfers are on
Thursday so we got transfer calls on Friday.
It turns out Elder Tall and I are both leaving the area and 2 new elders
will be coming in to replace us. Luckily
Elder Tall and I didn't do anything wrong.
There is just a lot of stuff happening in the branch that we know about
that missionaries should not know. We
are leaving to help the branch cool down a little. Luckily we have members working with all our
current investigators so we know they will be well taken care of. Now these next 2 transfers are going to go
even faster with a new zone and new companion.
I'm excited to see more of the mission and meet more missionaries. On Saturday we had the privilege to go to
Nauvoo with a recent convert and her non-member son. We didn't go to the temple but we went
through the visitors center and went to a few of the old Nauvoo houses. It was a lot of fun! Then at the end we watch Joseph Smith
Prophet of the Restoration. It was great
and the spirit was strong! One of the
temple sisters talked to the non-member son for a while after and gave him a
BoM to read and told him to read Enos.
He read it as soon as he got home and decided that he was going to read
the entire BoM!!! He said to his mom
after they dropped us off that he felt like it was all true!!! So excited to see the progress of others in
the gospel! This recent convert is the
only member in her family and it would be SO great for her to have her son
baptized! I'm bummed that I won't be
here for Quashawn and Krystal but I know
they will be baptized in the future. I
love this work and am so thankful for the comfort the spirit brings!
Love Elder
Monday, August 19, 2013
August 19, 2013
We had a great
week! We were able to go on 2 exchanges
with some elders. It was a lot of
fun! On Saturday the college here in
town had their move in day and all the Churchs in the area go and help the
people move in. So we went and were
there from 9 till about 2:30. We met a
lot of cool people and found a potential that said he wants to come to church.
Quashawn and Krystal are both doing great.
They came to church yesterday and we had a lesson with them this morning
in a members home that went great. They
have been praying about being baptized on September 28th and they said they
feel good about it so far. They are
still worried about getting married but they are doing awesome. I'm super excited to continue to see them
progress. In Ames there was a boy we
were teaching named Austin that was friends with a member family the Greenes. He started emailing me a few weeks ago and
said he has decided to be baptized on September 7th. SO exciting!!
He also said he has been thinking a lot about going on a mission. How cool is that! He is such an awesome kid and its so great
to hear that he is doing so well.
Love Elder
August 12, 2013
We have had a pretty
busy week. We had a meeting an hour and
20 minutes away in Iowa City on Tuesday than a meeting 1 hour and 15 away in
Osceola on Thursday than another meeting 1 hour 15 away in Des Moines on Sunday,
ha ha it was a travel filled week. We
had a zone training meeting on Thursday in Osceola and it was awesome! Such a spirit filled meeting. The trainings were on sanctification and on
helping our investigators feel and recognize the Holy Ghost. It was related to describing and elephant to
someone who has never seen one. We
decided we would just take them to Africa to see one so during the week we have
received word that everyone has been taking their investigators to
"Africa!" ha ha it was awesome!
We also had an amazing opportunity to teach a non-member family in a
members home. They invited them over for
dinner along with us and we had a lesson on the BoM and they were reading out
of it and asking questions. It was SO
cool! They will most likely be a slower
process but are such nice people that we are excited to work with them. That
same member family has been trying to share the gospel with SO many different
people all the time it has been great.
You will now start to see missionaries in light colored suits and
without back backs. The 1st presidency
has decided that we look to much like the feds and not very approachable. No more backpacks because we look like we are
going hiking in the mountains. We are
now to use side bags or to carry our things in our hands! =) pretty crazy! This
work is changing, change is part of this life.
The appearance on the church might change to remain involved in this
ever changing world but one thing is for certain the Gospel standards will
forever be the same.
Love Elder
Sunday, August 11, 2013
August 5, 2013
We were
able to go to the pageant on Saturday. The last day of it. It was
SO cool! We went with 3 investigators. They all LOVED it! It
was such a cool experience. We went through the visitors center when we
first got there and I got to see Sister Hall. It was SO fun! There
were some members from one of my previous areas that I got to visit with as
well. It was such a great day! We had so much fun and the investigators
were so excited. The spirit is so strong on temple grounds and in Nauvoo.
You can feel the difference when you drive up and see the temple.
Martie, one of our investigators, noticed the different feeling she had
and how happy and comforting it was. She loved the visitors center and
wants to come back when they have more time to go see all the different
buildings and learn more about everything. It was such a fun experience!
We were so blessed to be able to have all of that work out.
Elder Jach-Goates
Sunday, August 4, 2013
July 29, 2013
It's been a crazy
few weeks as you can tell as I haven't had time to write a blog post. Last week was interviews and so we got to
spend some time with President Jensen and his wife and get to know them a
little better so that was great. We had
transfers but both my companion and I
stayed. The work here is creeping along
and struggles as we don't have much for member missionary work. They are amazing at fellow shipping people as
we bring them in but they refuse to help us find any new people to teach. There are a few people in the branch that do
really well and are trying their hardest to help us so that is great. This zone is really picking up and the
district leaders are really changing and striving to help in any way possible. Elder Firth, our district leader has changed
SO much. It's been great to watch as he
opens up and gets excited about the work and about helping the district. We have one family who has recently started
coming back to church and is SO awesome!
They are working with their neighbors across the street and invited us
and them to the circus as a fun activity to break the ice so that should be
fun. Their neighbors are a really nice
family and would fit right in the branch.
We have been looking for opportunities to serve them and help in any way
they need so we mowed their lawn and gave them our number for anything else
they need. Things are going here just
wish it was a little faster! =)
As we strive for
excellence the battle is hard but once we are there and look back we can live
with no regrets and full of gratitude for what that journey taught us!
Love Elder
Sunday, July 14, 2013
July 9, 2013
As for the mission
it was another busy hectic week with the 4th of July and zone conference! We
had a ward talent show and picnic on the 3rd Elder Tall and I and the senior
couple in the branch did 2 skits, ha ha they were pretty funny! I'm trying to get the video from a member to
show everyone. On the 4th we visited a
few members and got to help with a 10k run that a member puts on as well. It was a lot of fun! The elder in the zone who was in a car
accident is rapidly improving. He is now
able to talk and feed himself. His
memory is slowing coming back. He
remembers his dad and is able to walk around.
He is still in missionary mode and responds better to elder and not his
first name. He talks about the Iowa Des
Moines Mission but still isn't quite sure where he is. He gets better everyday. We are SO thankful to the Lord in protecting
him and helping him to heal. His
companion walked out with a couple of bruises after get hit at 60. Miraculous how much we are watched over. I'm so grateful to be a missionary at this
day and age where there is so much evil around.
So much that is trying to drag us down and make us miserable. What a blessing it is to be teaching
something that literally changes people lives and gives them the chance to be
happier. We found a man named James who
is in his 60s and is home bound because of his back. We were looking for a referral that we
received and he and his wife Geneva invited us in and allowed us to share a
message. We did and invited them to read
and pray. We went back a few days later.
Geneva had a migraine so wasn't able to sit in on the lesson but we talked with
James and he had read chapters 1 and 2 of 1 Nephi. We asked if he had prayed to know it was true
and he said that he already believed it was true just like the bible. We were pleased but talked about how it is
essential to gain a spiritual conviction from the Holy Ghost. We read chapter 3 and then Moroni 10 3-5 and
he sat there in tears and said over and over "that is a powerful
verse!" The spirit was so
strong! We invited him to continue
reading and praying and talked to him about baptism. He said he really wanted to be baptized but
wasn't sure how he would be able to since he was home bound and would lose his
assistance if he left his house too often.
We invited him to pray and left after closing with prayer. On our way out we looked in the window to
watch him pick back up the Book of Mormon and start reading again. We have another lesson with him
tomorrow. SO excited to see how the
spirit works with people. He had talked
to missionaries 20+ years ago and just now he was ready to accept. We never would have found him unless that
member had given us the referral to go see someone completely different, (he
lives in a town where there is literally 5 houses, so we never would've gone
there). Follow the promptings and you
could change some ones life FOREVER!!!
This gospel is true and this work is amazing!
Love Elder
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
July, 2, 2013
It was a pretty
rough week! The work went great we found
6 new investigators and got 12 referrals, so that was awesome, but it was a
pretty stress filled week. We got a new
mission president on Saturday and that night an elder in this zone got in a car
accident. He was hit by a dodge truck
going 60 mph, was life flighted to Des Moines and is in critical condition in
the hospital. He only has a few broken
ribs and some big cuts on his head but he hit his head pretty hard and isn't
functioning fully yet. He responds and
is excelling rapidly but there is some possible brain damage. He gets better everyday and we were able to
go and see him yesterday as he opened his eye (one is too swollen to open
still) for the first time and was looking at us. He still doesn't talk but can give you a
thumbs up and nod his head. He is doing
good though. Yesterday we had zone
conference and got to meet President Jensen for the first time so that was
fun! He's definitely different than Pres
Jergensen. A lot more soft spoken and
unsure about what he's doing but he still carries the spirit with him and I'm
sure will be a great leader. Not sure if
everyone was able to watch the new mission presidents broadcast seminar but its
online and was filled with some cool things that are happening. Check it
out! I was able to talk to President
Jensen on the phone last week before he got here and he told us a lot of things
that might be changing soon. We will get
I-pads in the near future to help us with teaching and keeping track of
everything in the area. That will be a
great tool to be able to show people different videos of General Authorities
and Mormon messages as well as talks from conferences and ensigns. The work is changing and we need more and
more help from the members. This is a
GREAT work and an amazing time to be a part of it.
Love Elder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June 24, 2013
It was an astounding
week! We picked up 3 new investigators
on of which is from Rwanda Africa and is here on a soccer scholarship. He's a super cool kid and came to church with
us on Sunday. We play soccer with him
most Mondays so that's how we found him and he's super excited to learn. The work here is moving so fast and we are
seeing such great success. We went on exchanges in Osceola last week and I went
out to a town called Lamoni where a lot of RLDS people live and they have a
college called Graceland that use to be owned by the RLDS church. They are generally nice people just a little
confused about a few things, Ha Ha! If
you get some spare time I would love to hear from some of you, I miss you all,
and am so thankful for all your support.
Love Elder
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
June 17, 2013
As for the mission
it was a crazy week! SUPER busy! We had
a meeting in Iowa city and than another meeting with the whole zone on Thursday
and we have a meeting tomorrow and exchanges this week. We had a lot happen this last week with
investigators. We got a new one and set
a date and dropped her all within like 5 days, ha pretty nuts! She's a teenager and is struggling with word
of wisdom problems which is pretty common here in the Midwest, at least more
noticeable. We have a black investigator
named Quashawn he's super awesome and has come to church now for like 4 weeks
in a row and really likes meeting with us.
There's a private Quaker college here and we play soccer there on
pdays. We found a potential investigator
last week from rhonda. He's pretty
cool! He's here on a soccer
scholarship. There are also some great members here. It was elder Talls birthday yesterday so some
members had us over with another member family to celebrate. It was a good time! This zone won a temple trip too, so now next
Tuesday I get to go to the temple. SOO excited!!! It's been too long since I've been. Love you all so much and am so thankful for
all your support. "There are no big
problems just a lot of little problems all put together." Henry Ford.
Love Elder
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
June 10, 2013
It's been a pretty
crazy and really busy week! I am now in
Oskaloosa with Elder Tall, he was in Keokuk for half a transfer when I was in
Burlington so we already knew each other and we get along great! He's a hard worker and follows the spirit so
it makes life a little bit easier. We're
in a branch here but like most branches there are some great members here to
support. I've already gotten to know a
few of them and they are super nice.
Quite a lot has happened since I've been here. We went finding a few times and found 3
possibly 5 new investigators. One
of them is a really nice family who invited us in for dinner the other night
and we were able to have a great spiritual discussion. On Sunday we had a great surprise when 2
investigators that we thought we would have to drop because they wouldn't
return our calls or anything just showed up at church. We had a lesson with them after and the
mom, Candy decided to quit smoking
and broke her cigarettes right there and threw them away. The son charley is a little slow but is a super
awesome really funny kid and is really excited about getting baptized. They'll
be baptized at the end of the month.
Today we went to Penn college because there is a soccer pick-up game
there every Monday and we got talking to Eric a guy from Africa who has been
here for 6 months and he said he wants to learn about our church so we have a
lesson with him on Wednesday. This area
is amazing and there is SO much more potential here! It's so great to be here and be a part of it!
Love Elder
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
June 3, 2013
It's transfer week
and I'm getting transferred already! Ha, but its ok I didn't expect to be here
for long anyway. I'm excited to be in a
new area! We had a pretty good week last
week we set up a bunch of appointments with different members and investigators
and potentials for this week so we would have plenty to do. We went to a baptism where 5 people were
being baptized and President Jergensen got to perform one of the baptisms so it
was a super cool experience for me to see him baptize someone and he said it
was the first time he had since college.
What a great experience to have right before he leaves. Pretty crazy that we get a new mission
president this month. Hopefully it all
goes well. My companion Elder Witham
who's going to Brazil is here for another transfer which means that he might
have 4 different mission presidents on his mission, ha pretty crazy. Well I miss you all and hope everything is going
Love Elder
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
May 28, 2013
It was a pretty
crazy week! There have been storms all
week and its suppose to keep up the rest of this week as well. There was a tornado warning last Sunday and 5
tornados touched down in Ames my last area.
Pretty nuts! We went and played
in the rain and got soaked so that was fun.
We picked up a new investigator yesterday she's the daughter of an
inactive member she's in her twenties and really wants to have a better
relationship with God. She's pretty
timid but wants to learn so we'll see where it goes. I got to go on exchanges with the APs last
Monday evening and it was a blast. We
talked a lot about how I was doing and how I have grown the past 18 months and
they said that President has been talking about me a lot lately and that people
in the zone are really impressed by my comments in meetings and things, Ha so I guess that's a good thing. Helps me feel like I'm doing a good job. Crazy to think I only have 6 months
left. Really feels like just yesterday
that I was in the MTC. Life goes fast
take those precious moments while you have them.
Love Elder
Sunday, May 26, 2013
May 20, 2013
It was yet again
another great week! We had 2 baptisms on Saturday. They went extremely well!!! We don't have
many investigators now but we have a ton of really solid potentials. We get a car this week so we will be able to
get to all of them without finding time to walk back and forth especially since
they don't really live that close to each other. We have zone conference this week and it will
be President Jergensens last one with us.
Pretty crazy! This past week has
been a little stressful with companions and things luckily I've had my share of
rough comps that I know how to sort things out now! ha! =)
Love Elder
Monday, May 13, 2013
May 13, 2013
Things are
great! Mothers Day was awesome,
and a happy mothers day to all my wonderful mothers. Especially my mommy Kim Goates. Love you mom. No one can compete with you! =)! This last week was great! We went on exchanges and got to walk around
in the rain and got soaked ha ha, but it was a good time. We have 2 baptisms scheduled for this
Saturday so that's way exciting. We have
a ton of potentials that we are going to see and all of them are families that
seem really interested. So we'll see
what happens. It's so great to be right
here in Des Moines right close to the mission home. My companions are doing well, ha a little
home sick from yesterday but that's normal.
I told them the next phone call wont be near as bad. It's so crazy to think I only have 6 months
left. It literally feels like I just got
here. It's been an amazing experience
and wouldn't trade it for anything. I
love you all and I hope everything is going great for you.
Love Elder
Monday, May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Things are still
going great! I realized I never
mentioned my companions names or really anything about them. Elder Witham is the visa waiter and he is
from Provo and Elder Elson is from Chico California and has been out for about
6 months. The baptisms of the mother and
daughter are scheduled for the 18th, and they are doing great! The husband is a member but has been
in-active for a long time and has come back into activity now because of his
wife. He has been in the army for a while so we talk about that a lot which is
great. Rob (the guy who showed up to church)
is doing great we met with him last week and he accepted the invitation to be
baptized and we are going to try and set a date with him this week. We had Elder Anderson and Elder Clayton of
the presidency of the 70 and Elder Dube of the 1st quorum of the 70 talk to us
on Saturday and it was a great meeting filled with the spirit. Then Elder Dube came and talked to us at
stake conference on Sunday and really encouraged the members to do more
missionary work. So we'll see what
happens. Something crazy that Elder
Anderson said was that missionary work is about to change... just some food for
thought! =) Hope all is well back home and that you are following the spirit in
all you do!
Love Elder
Monday, April 29, 2013
April 29, 2013
I have been
transferred! I'm now serving in the
West Des Moines ward on the east side.
We have the smallest area in the mission. I'm in a tri-companionship with a trainer and
visa waiter who is waiting to serve in the Sao Paulo Brazil mission. They are both great missionaries and we all
get along really well. The mission home
is within my area so we see President Jergensen driving around occasionally,
(which is really weird, but cool.) We
have 2 baptismal dates right now a mother and her daughter. We had a great experience on Sunday. A guy showed up at church who had been going
to church with his girlfriend in Panama and wants to meet with us and get
baptized. Super sweet! I don't feel like I'll be in the area for
very long because of what president said to me at transfer meeting but I guess
we'll see what happens. It's so great to
be in a new area and with new companions. I miss Elder Claridge but I'm sure
he's doing just fine. This Saturday we
get a super special mission wide conference.
Elder Anderson from the 12 is coming to talk with us along with a
member of the presidency of the 70 and our area 70. It's going to be an AWESOME meeting! I'm SO excited to be able to meet an apostle
and hear him speak directly to my mission.
The blessings are rolling in, now to take advantage of them and get the
work to explode.
Love Elder
Monday, April 22, 2013
April 22 2013
Things are getting
crazy here, transfers are this week and
it turns out I'm getting transferred. It was expected but not in the way I was
expecting it. I'm going into a tri-companionship
and I'm suppose to supervise a missionary who has only been out for a few
months and is going to be training a visa waiter. So pretty much I'm a trainers trainer! ha it
sounds like it will be a pretty good gig.
I'll pretty much just get to sit back and let them do everything, ha ha
ha. So we'll see what happens. It's been
so great to be able to serve here in Ames and get to know some awesome
people. I'll for sure miss them! So Austin wasn't able to muster up the
courage to talk to his mom about wanting to get baptized and decided that this
just wasn't the time for him to do it so he doesn't want to meet with the
missionaries anymore. Luckily we have
created a good relationship and he wants to say bye before I leave so I'll get one last chance to talk with him
about it all and see if I can help him understand why he should keep meeting
with the missionaries. The area is
picking up we went to a members for dinner last night who invited a non-member
friend over that we got to teach and we are doing the same thing tomorrow night
and there are a few more families in the ward who say they have friends that
they want to introduce to us to hopefully this new missionary that comes in
will be a good one that can help these great members out. Oh how I love this work!
Love Elder
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
April 15 2013
It was a slow week
as far as lessons go, but we got a ton of stuff set up for this week. I'll be gone on exchanges in different areas
Wednesday through Friday so I helped Elder Claridge set some stuff up for the
time he will be here with the other missionaries. Austin is doing great! He said he is going to
talk to his mom about the church this week and work from there so I think we'll
start seeing some really good progress from him soon. Dave is still struggling but is so receptive
to the spirit and really wants to do better so we're helping in any way that we
can. With transfers coming up in another
week we will be busy saying my goodbyes to a lot of the families here! its been
a great area to serve in and great to get to know so many wonderful
people. I hope I helped this area
progress and left it in better condition than when I came in. Today is zone Pday so we're all getting
together to play some games and have some fun.
I love you all! Remember to share
this wonderful blessing with our brothers and sisters who don't know what
they're missing!!
Love Elder
Monday, April 8, 2013
April 8 2013
Things are of coarse
great right after conference! We picked
up a new investigator and got both him and Austin to come watch some of
conference. They both really enjoyed it! Austin asked me to give him a blessing so
that he could better feel the spirit.
It's crazy how much he understands about the gospel. He's just scared about what his family will
think at this point. Just hope he can get the courage he needs soon. We had a zone meeting on Friday to start off
the conference weekend and it was an amazing meeting! FILLED with the
spirit! I've definitely been "born
again" like Alma the younger!
Not as drastic but similar. Such
a great feeling! Now I just need to figure out how to do that every few weeks
or sometimes every few days.
I pray you will all
find those missionary opportunities the Lord puts in your path.
Love Elder
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
March 31 2013
It was a pretty slow
week! We were in Marshalltown Wednesday
and Thursday on exchanges and then Friday and Saturday all of our appointments
fell through. Frustrating, but humbling
at the same time. Just means we have to
work even harder this week to get things rolling again. Elizabeth cancelled on us and won't text
back. Austin wasn't able to meet with us
and the referrals we got both weren't home.
Ha Ha, nothing seemed to go our way last week. Funny experience we went
to a lecture at ISU there was a catholic lady that was giving a lecture on
Mormonism and the gold plates, Ha Ha so
we went with the institute instructor who is also a bishop to check it out and
see if people needed any questions answered.
Turns out it was completely boring.
She didn't say anything false, just went off of "What if Joseph
Smith was Delirious" pretty lame!
There was a lot of people there but had to be for a U.S. history
class. We left some BoMs and mormon.org cards so hopefully we'll see some come
of those. When the going gets tough ask
for help! ha!
Love Elder
Sunday, March 31, 2013
March 25, 2013
It was a good
week! We were super busy going to Story
City for exchanges, having district meeting and then having interviews with
President Jergensen. Sadly that will be our last interview with
him before the new mission president gets here in June. It will be sad to see him go and the new
one will have some massive shoes to fill!
Austin is doing well we weren't able to see him last week because he was
in Missouri for spring break but we talked to the Greenes who are going to set
up another appointment for us hopefully this week. We picked up another investigator on Tuesday
her name is Elisabeth she's a student at ISU and is very religious. She enjoyed our meeting and wants to meet
again this week. We'll have a better
idea of how she is going to progress and things after this next meeting so
hopefully she read and prayed. Things
are starting to pick back up again we got 2 member referrals which this area
never sees so that is great. Hopefully
we'll get some more in the next few weeks as well. We are working a lot with some less actives
trying to help them come back to church and we've seen some good progress so
far. (yes brother fuller I'm talking about you!) =) The time seems to go faster
every week which is scary because I still have SO much to learn! I love you and
miss you all!
Love Elder
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
March 18, 2013
Things are still
going good! Had a tough week last week
with depression and all but luckily I'm working my way out of it now so this
week should be a good one! There are 2
greenies in the district now so it adds a little more stress to my plate but I
guess that's what I paid for right...? It's spring break for Iowa State so
pretty much the town is deserted. Church
was empty, it was like I was in a branch again.
It was a good Sunday anyway!
Austin is still doing really well.
He's struggling to talk to his parents about wanting to get baptized but
he knows its what is right and is such a smart kid. He figured out that the reason he isn't
getting an answer to his prayers is because he doesn't fully intend to act on
the answer he receives. He fears that
his parents won't approve of it. He also attends another church by himself and
helps them with things so doesn't want to tell them that he is joining a
different church either. Luckily he has a great support system from the Greene
family and really wants to do what the Lord wants him too. It's funny how much fear plays such a huge role
in our lives. Fear that it won't work
the way we want it to, fear that we will get an answer to do something that we
don't really want to do, fear that we'll make a mistake. So many fears that hold us back from doing
what's right and what we know we should.
When in reality if we lay aside all of those fears everything works out
and we are SO much happier because of it!
Love Elder
Monday, March 11, 2013
March 11, 2013
It was another
fantastic week! Matt got
baptized!!! It was great! His wife's family came down from Missouri and
it was a great turn out. He is such a
great guy. His mother in law was super
nice and made us promise that we would see him every week still because he's
kinda lonely since his wife is in basic training right now. We are running out of investigators cause all
of ours are getting baptized, Ha Ha I
guess it's a good thing but at the same time we need more people to teach. Sorry I haven't been able to get any pictures
sent off I'll try and do that this week
on a members computer. Hope
everything there is going as well as it is here. Love you and miss you all!!!!
Love Elder
Monday, March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
It was a good
week! We went on exchanges in
Marsheltown and got snowed in for 3 days while we were up there ha it was a fun
time and luckily we were still able to get a few things done. Funny story, my comp got hit by a car! Ha
ha! Don't worry he's fine it pretty much
just bumped him but he did fly about 10 feet from where he was. The driver was horrified as you can imagine
and it probably didn't help that all 4 of us missionaries were making jokes
about it and laughing. But hey it was
funny! He was ok so it wasn't a big
deal. We had stake conference this
weekend and it went well. Elder Oaks
talked to the whole Midwest about missionaries coming in and told the members
to step up their game so hopefully that helps. Then on Sunday there was a CES
fireside and Elder Bednar and his wife spoke.
It was a great fireside!
Transfers are next week and I think
I'm getting transferred. We'll
find out on Saturday if I am =S. We've
been having a pretty good rise in missionaries coming into the mission and it
will continue at least till the end of the year so that's exciting. We have another baptism this weekend for
Matt. He's doing great and is super
excited to be baptized. We talked
yesterday and he mentioned that he was reading the BoM the other day and he
said he just felt so good. He searched
for other words to describe what happened but with a tear in his eye all he
could get out was that it felt so good! =) Super Awesome!!!!!
Love Elder
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
February 27, 2013
It was a great week
we had the baptism of Alyssa on Saturday and we have another baptism on the
9th. Super exciting! Things with Alyssa's baptism went well it was
a little hectic because I hadn't put together a baptism in a while, but we got
it all done and it worked out great. We
had a snow storm here and we were on exchanges in Story City so got stuck there
for an extra night. It's great to see
the progress of the area and to know that the members are working hard to help
us out too. I miss you all so very much
and am so thankful for all you do. Keep
working hard and rely on the Lord. This
Church is true and He is there for your support!
Love Elder
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
February 19, 2013
Things are going
great!!!! Alyssa is getting baptized
this weekend and there will be another one in 2 weeks and another in 3 weeks as
well! This area is finally going after a
lot of hard work! The members here are
doing great with helping us and really starting to be missionary minded. We picked up a new investigator last week his
name is Matt. He has been dating a
member for 3 years so has known about the church for a while and they recently
got married. So he decided it was time for him to look into it for
himself. He loves the morals of the
church and is a great guy. He prays and
reads his scriptures every night and after every lesson he prays and asks if
what we taught was true. Then he'll text
us and let us know how he felt after praying.
Such a great investigator!
Love Elder
Monday, February 11, 2013
February 11, 2013
Things are going
great! I have a new companion
Elder Claridge from Arizona. He's an awesome kid. He's been out for 5 months so he's still
pretty new but he's a hard worker and we get along great! The work is really picking up and the members
have a lot of trust in us so hopefully we'll start seeing more referrals here
soon. We got to meet with Austin again,
he is still doing great and has started reading out of preach my gospel ha what
an awesome kid! He is 17 and Alyssa is
20 and she is doing great as well! We
get to meet with her this week and get her prepared for baptism. We got another referral from the Greene
family a guy named Matt we haven't been able to meet with him yet but the
Greenes are excited for us to talk with him.
President Jergensen asked me to be a district leader again. The work here is about to explode I can feel
Love you all!
Elder Jach-Goates
February 4, 2013
As for the mission
it has been a pretty crazy week! A lot
of things have happened! My companion
has been going through a really tough time and has decided to return home. This past week has been super slow because of
it, but with my new companion coming in on Thursday the area should
explode! There is a lot of potential
here all I need is someone that will work with me and help bring the Spirit in
to direct every lesson. Alyssa is still
doing well the zone leaders have been meeting with her on my request and we
will start back up with her come this weekend.
We received a member referral a few weeks ago from the Greene family (I
was in the same room in the MTC as their son, small world). Austin their friend
is doing great. We had a lesson with him
2 weeks ago and he took notes during the lesson and even quoted BoM scriptures!
Ha ha he is an awesome kid and is super prepared. His only hold up was telling his parents that
he wanted to take the lessons so he finally mustered up the courage to talk
with them and they have agreed to let him so we get to meet with him on
Friday. He has had questions for a while
and has asked the Greene family or looked up the answers on lds.org. We
set a date with him for baptism on our first lesson, March 16th and will work
for that sadly I'll probably be gone for that but will get to see him grow for
the entire time! =) Such a great work
this is! How blessed I am to have to
opportunity of being an instrument in the hands of the Lord.
Love Elder
Monday, January 28, 2013
January 28, 2013
Things are going
well! Transfers are next week, it will
be good to get some fresh meat to boss around! =) Last week was a pretty good week, we lost
Kenny he says he's too busy right now and doesn't want to meet with us for a
little while. I still think he'll come
back so we'll see. Alyssa is doing great she returned from her parents and has
a light about her now. She has been
praying everyday and studying not just reading the scriptures. She said she doesn't have the desire to go
party with her friends anymore and has turned them down a few times. We'll set a new date with her this week and
help her progress even more. The past
few weeks I've been trying really hard to get along better with my companion
and help bring the spirit into the companionship and I feel like its been helping with our
investigators and the people we come into contact with. So hopefully my new companion will be someone
I get along with a little more easily so
there can be even more of the Spirit and even more success in this area. I love you all and hope all is well. This work and this Gospel are absolutely
amazing! This knowledge blesses peoples lives more than anything else! Share! Share this with everyone!
Love Elder
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
January 14, 2013
As for the mission
things are continuing to progress as usual.
We gained a new investigator last week that referred himself on mormon.org and asked for a BoM so we taught him
the restoration and talked about prayer and the Spirit. He agreed to pray and read and said if he
gets an answer he will be baptized, so the first lesson was a success. He's done a lot of research on the church and
luckily they've all been from good resources not anti literature, so he has
quite an interest in the church. It will
be fun to see if he progresses. Things
with the comp get better some days and worse others so we're still working on
that, but President Jergensen talked to me again about leadership and the needs
the mission has right now for good leaders and told me to start preparing... =S
so I guess we'll see what happens. I
love you all, thanks for everything!
Love Elder
Monday, January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013
Things have been
pretty busy with the holiday season! We
had transfers over Christmas and interviews with President Jergensen this past
week. Me and my companion are staying together
for this next transfer... joy! =P! We
got a car for Christmas, so that was awesome! It helps us out a lot even though
we have a small area. Talking to family
on Christmas was of coarse great! This
area has been fun so far. There are some
awesome families here and that always helps!
W dropped 2 investigators over the break but have a few referals that we
will be working with shortly, so things are still moving along. But overall the best part about these last
few weeks was Sunday December 30th in this the Iowa Des Moines Mission. For the year of 2012 we had a mission goal of
bringing 400 souls to Christ. We worked
diligently throughout the year to try and reach our goal. We were a ways off where we needed to be in
the middle of the year so we started changing a few things and working even
harder to invite people to be baptized.
We started setting dates and doing everything we could to reach our
goal. In September we were on track to
reaching our goal but we had a lot of work to do. Then in October we only had
16 baptisms for the entire month, seemingly making our goal almost impossible
to reach. President re-committed us and
we went out with a new vigor and started relying wholly upon the Lord. By the end of November we were at 321 people
baptized. That meant we needed to
baptize 79 people in the month of December, more than doubling even our highest
month of baptisms. But we did NOT give
up! We worked and worked and by the
last week we needed 23 more people to be baptized and we only had 19 people
across the mission who even had dates set for the end of the year. ( for those
of you who don't know, usually just under half the people with dates actually
get baptized) President sent out a text
telling everyone that there were 4 people somewhere in the mission who needed
to be baptized in the month of December!
So the mission went to work! In
2 days we had 27 dates set instead of just 19 and by the night of Sunday
December 30th 400 PEOPLE WERE BAPTISED!!!
I know and can testify that the Lord blesses those that strive to
accomplish his will! Miracle after
miracle happened in the month of December and I know it was because we did
everything we could to do what the Lord wanted us to do, and so he granted unto
us the power to bring all of the 400 souls unto the Kingdom of God! I am and will forever be eternally grateful
for the blessing and miracles I witnessed in this mission this past year. The Lord really does care for and love us
each individually and will always be there to help us after we have done all we
can do! I love you all and pray for
Love Elder
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