Izach arrives home Friday 22nd of November.
His homecoming address will be December 8th at 11am in the Pioneer Ward, South Weber UT.
Elder Izach Jach
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
November 18, 2013
I guess I am signing off! My last email so my
last mission post to the blog. Thanks everyone for keeping up on how I'm
doing. Thank you for all the letters and the support. I'm super sorry if I
never wrote you back or havent in a long time. I'm a terrible letter
writer. Just know that the letters meant A LOT to me and helped me more
than you will ever know. I want you all to know that I love and care
about each of you and am so thankful for all of your examples to me. I
know that this Gospel is true, and that if you desire to feel more of
our Father in Heavens love then talk to the missionaries and they will
help you. I know that our Savior wants us all to receive the fullness of
the blessings that he has in store and that there is no other way to
receive them except through this restored Gospel. I know that following
the teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will
make you happier than anything else you will ever find in this entire
world. I know that our Father in Heaven loves you SO much that he has
made it possible for you to return to live with him and our Savior, and
that that way has once again been brought back to the Earth through a
modern day prophet.
Thank you all so much!
Love Elder Jach-Goates
November 11, 2013
Things here never cease to be anything less than
amazing! We had stake conference over the weekend. The adult session on
saturday was great. We had 2 different investigators there and they
both really enjoyed it. It's great to have a meeting so focused on moving
forward the work of salvation. Sunday was great with all the talks
focused on overcoming trials and relying on the Lord. The spirit filled
the room from the opening hymn to the closing prayer, and to top it all
off I was able to see so many of my families from my first area of Manchester. Man it made me miss them and feel like a brand new
missionary again. It was so great to see all of them right before coming
home. This last week has been filled with tender mercies, and I already
know this week will be filled with them as well. There are so many
little things that the Lord blesses us with which sometimes we look over
completely. It's when we take the time to see those little things that
changes our whole perspective and helps us to live a happier more
abundant life. Perspective is everything! Whether you think you can or
whether you think you can't, you're right! It's having the fear or the
doubt and taking the step anyway that changes it all. It's not until
after we take that step into the darkness that we find out that
there is solid ground awaiting us. It's not until we seek the light that
we find pure joy. Look for those moments. Look for those little blessing
and then be thankful.
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Sunday, November 10, 2013
November 4, 2013
It's been pretty crazy this past little while! We
had exchanges on Tuesday, a trunk or treat on Wednesday and the temple
on Thursday. We picked up 3 new investigators who all said they would
come to church this week and who we are teaching again this week as
well. We invited all of them to be baptized and they all excepted. We
found 2 investigators the week before and we have a few potentials for
this week as well. We're setting specific dates in which to be baptized with
some of them this week. It's great to see how the Lord is blessing us for
working hard and doing what we have been asked to do. I'm grateful for
the opportunity I have been blessed with to serve my brothers and
sisters and to help others feel more of the Saviors love!
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Sunday, November 3, 2013
October 28, 2013
It's been another great week! We
found 2 new investigators and have return appointments with 3 more solid
potential investigators this week. We also set baptismal dates
with a few of our current investigators. We had a fast as a
mission a few weeks ago for new investigators and it was so great to
hear about all the miracles people witnessed because of the fast. People
have been popping out of the woodwork. It's been amazing! It's Halloween
this week so gather up some pass-along cards and start taping them to
your candy. You never know who's life you will change just from a simple
card. I love you all and I Love this gospel.
Love Elder Jach-Goates
Monday, October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013
Things are going well. We are
currently trying to get some new investigators but that's a normal thing. We had a new potential come to church yesterday with some of our recent
converts. We have an appointment to teach her tomorrow, so I'm excited for that. We have a couple exchanges this week and interviews on Friday
so I'm looking forward to that too. We got to see a member from my last area at
church yesterday as this is their old ward so that was awesome. This
work is an amazing thing and to have a small part in it means so much! What trust our Father in Heaven has with each of us to trust us with
special tasks and to give us prompting from the spirit. I love this
Love Elder Jach-Goates

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